Rep Roster

Lawrence Kolka
Edward Jones - Lawrence Kolka

Bronwyn Kopacek
CEO and Co-Founder
Mighty Market

Tina Kopko
Tina Kopko, LMFT

Born and raised in Rochester, NY, Tina has lived in the Bay Area since 1998. After an unsatisfying career in marketing, consumer research and customer service, she made the bold move to change careers mid-life. It took a total of 11 years for the process to complete: 4 years of graduate school, 7 years of interning, all while working a full-time jobs (and many side gigs) in other fields. 

Tina is a holistically-trained psychotherapist, a Certified Grief Recovery Specialist (created by John W. James), and a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner in Training (the work of Peter Levine).  She pays close attention to the specific needs of each client, develops a customized treatment plan based on those needs, and remains dedicated to working toward meaningful results for each client throughout the course of treatment, no matter how short or long that might require. She also continues her education through copious reading, consulting with experts, listening to the latest podcasts on grief and loss (check out "Terrible, Thanks for Asking" by Nora McInerny).

In her spare time, Tina loves movies, making art from items found in nature, singing, cultivating patience and mindfulness, hiking and playing Quiddler with friends. She lives all over the greater Bay Area, caring for other people's homes, pets, gardens and plants, and hopes to one day buy a camper van to travel across the country and back, visiting old friends and photographing beautiful landscapes of this magnificent land we inhabit.

Ken Kosich
Kosich Family Insurance Services

Kristin Kurth
EquiBrand Consulting

Mike Lacey
Location Manager
Queen of Heaven Cemetery, Funeral & Cremation Center

Kimberly Lam
Republic Services

Dr. Geri Landman
Moonshots for Unicorns

Ms. Juleen Lapporte
Owner | Photographer
Studio Jule

Juan Lara
Lafayette German Car Repair

Miranda LaRocco
Regional Executive

Shannon Laskey
Artiste Extraordinaire
S.D. Workshop - Graphic Design & Illustration

Chris Laszcz-Davis
Orinda Association

Chris Laszcz-Davis
Rotary Club of Lamorinda Sunrise

Eileen Lawrence
Lafayette Veterans Memorial Center

Kelley Lawton
Lafayette Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)

Natalie Lawton
Natalie Lawton with Dudum Real Estate Group

Long Le
Pho Benny

Amanda Lee
Underdog Animal Rescue

Elizabeth Lee
Artful Surgery

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